Service provided by Center for Clinical and Translational Research.
Who should utilize this service?
- Researchers directed by COUHES to use third-party consenting services because of their plan to use students from the lab, fellow researchers, and friends to participate in their research study
- For additional information please visit COUHES website
What is the researcher’s responsibility to get the process started?
- Complete the intake form link below
- Meet with CCTR Team before submitting amendment for changes to COUHES
- Be available for each scheduled consent to explain your study, visit details and to answer any technical questions
Where does the third-party consenting occur?
- E-consent process occurs via zoom through DocuSign or REDCap
Why do I need third party consenting?
- You were directed by COUHES to use a third party to consent for your human research study
- You are planning to recruit participants from your lab or your friend group
- You are the PI and plan to recruit students and staff from your lab
How do I get started?
- Complete intake form
- Make sure to select third-party consenting as one of the services needed
- Schedule meeting with CCTR team (Scheduling link will be available within the survey)
- Protocol specific instructions will be provided