We offer complimentary recruiting assistance to investigators for studies and trials.

The CCTR assists investigators and their teams to connect the community in participant engagement and recruitment for your study/research trial. The complimentary CCTR recruitment service includes:

  • Advertising your COUHES/IRB approved recruitment materials on our website.
  • Available to internal and external research colleagues.
  • Study advertisement posted on the newly created MIT centralized study recruitment repository.
  • Complimentary service (no charge).

Learn more about how to access the complementary study recruitment service.

Non-Invasive Measurement of Lung Function Research Study

PI/Study Coordinator
Alexander Slocum

This study aims to detect changes in respiratory health. It involves a brief visit to the MIT CCTR lasting no more than one hour, a questionnaire, and measuring lung signals during light physical activity. Participants will be compensated with $20 gift cards for their involvement. Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Nevan Hanumara
Contact email
hanumara [at] mit.edu
Contact phone

Sleep, Circadian Rhythm, and Well-being

PI/Study Coordinator
Rosalind Picard

The MIT Media Lab Affective Computing group is looking for 50 healthy adults to participate in a study of links between sleep, circadian rhythm, and well-being. Participants will wear a smartwatch for 14 days, respond to surveys, and take an at-home dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) saliva test. Participants must be 18-60 years old, use an Android phone, and reside in Greater Boston.

You will receive $195 by check upon completion.

Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Szymon Fedor
Contact email
sfedor [at] mit.edu
Contact phone

Investigating Pedestrian Experience in Cambridge

PI/Study Coordinator
Brian Anthony, PhD

The purpose of this study is to better understand how pedestrians move through and experience the city and find what factors most determine a pedestrians movement pattern. The study location is in the Immersion Lab to start (MIT.Nano, third floor, Room 12-3207), and the participants will then walk a loop around campus twice. Trials will take an hour and a half for each subject, and no compensation will be provided. For more information, please see the the study consent form.

Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Izzi Waits
Contact email
izzimw [at] mit.edu
Contact phone

Bridge2AI Mood Disorder Study

PI/Study Coordinator
Satrajit Ghosh, PhD

The Bridge2AI Mood Disorder Study at MIT is a part of a larger NIH study known as Bridge2AI Voice. The study is investigating how voice can be used as a biomarker for detecting and diagnosing mood disorders/mental health conditions, such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The study will take place in-person at MIT, take around an hour to complete, and participants will be compensated $50.00 for their time. Eligibility criteria includes adults 18 years or older who have a clinical diagnosis of one of the mood disorders listed above and live in the Boston area. For general information, they can email research [at] b2ai.org. For questions specifically for MIT, they can contact: voice_study [at] mit.edu.

Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Kaley Jenney
Contact email
voice_study [at] mit.edu
Contact phone

Imaging Brain Physiology after COVID-19

PI/Study Coordinator
Laura D. Lewis, PhD

This is an MRI study comparing the brain physiology of people with Long COVID with healthy participants. It involves a 2-3 hour visit at the Martinos Center (149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129) that includes filling out questionnaires and participating in an MRI scan. Participants will receive $100 for completion of the study. 

Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Banban Tan
Contact email
Contact phone

Validation of REEV SENSE biomarkers precision for gait analysis for participants with post-stroke gait impairment

PI/Study Coordinator
Amaury Ciurana, MS, CEO & Co-Founder of REEV

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical performance of the investigational REEV SENSE gait tracker on participants with gait impairment related to a stroke and to compare it with a reference motion capture method. REEV SENSE is intended to quantify the gait characteristics of a subject with a simple procedure adapted to clinical routine use, under the clinical supervision of a trained healthcare professional. Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF)

Contact name
Amaury Ciurana, MS
Contact email
amaury.ciurana [at] reev.care
Contact phone

Neural Control of Upper Limb Prosthesis

PI/Study Coordinator
Hugh Herr, PhD

The Biomechatronics Group at the MIT Media Lab is looking for UPPER LIMB AMPUTEES interested in being part of an advanced prosthesis study. Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF). For questions, please contact mariarg [at] mit.edu (Maria Ramos Gonzalez, PhD) or Michael Fernandez.

Contact name
Maria Ramos Gonzalez, PhD
Contact email
mariarg [at] mit.edu
Contact phone

Advanced Prosthesis Study

PI/Study Coordinator
Hugh Herr, PhD

This research study seeks to explore amputee gait and the subjective experience of socket-based prosthesis use in comparison to someone with an experimental transfemoral amputation. Participants will control a powered knee prosthesis for three to five full-day sessions as data is collected. These findings will be used to develop a control system for an advanced robotic prosthesis. Click here to view the study recruitment poster (PDF).

Contact name
Tony Shu
Contact email
tonyshu [at] media.mit.edu
Contact phone

Semi-Automated Determination of Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity

PI/Study Coordinator
Thomas Heldt, PhD

Volunteer for a new study on measuring cerebral arterial blood flow. We need your help! We are conducting a study to measure blood flow in different vessels of the brain noninvasively. The study lasts about 90 minutes. No medications are needed. Subjects receive $100 for participating. Learn More (PDF)

Contact name
Thomas Heldt, PhD
Contact email
thomas [at] mit.edu
Contact phone


PI/Study Coordinator
Michal “Mikki” Caspi Tal, PhD

Let’s Stop Lyme Disease in its Tracks! Join our study to help people suffering from Lyme. Our study aims to discover new ways to diagnose and better treat people that experience a wide range of symptoms after being infected with Lyme and COVID. Recruiting Volunteers: Healthy, Acute Lyme, Chronic Lyme, Long COVID.

Contact name
Yuri Kim
Contact email
mitmaestro [at] mit.edu
Contact phone