Study to Evaluate the Usability of PointCheck, a Novel Optical Technology for Non-Invasively Screening Severe Neutropenia

Project Coordinator
Project Team (Leuko Lab): Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, Ian Butterworth, Ganimete Lamaj

LeukoLab, a spin out from a Desphande Center project, looked to the MIT CCTR for usability and reliability testing of PointCheck: the world’s first portable, non-invasive white blood cell monitoring device. Leuko was awarded $60,000 from Mass Digital Health to work with the CCTR (link “Mass Digital Health to work with the CCTR“ to 3.4.4 Research support, collaborations), a Mass Digital Health R&D Sandbox hub.

Massachusetts Digital Health’s Grants Success story!

As one of Mass Digital Health’s grants first success stories, Ganimete Lamaj, Leuko’s Human Factors Engineer described the PointeCheck study:

At MIT CCTR, we were able to conduct a performance and usability evaluation of PointCheck™ with healthy volunteers in a simulated home environment. We had the pleasure of working directly with Catherine E. Ricciardi, Director Clinical and Research Operations, and Tatiana Urman, the Clinical Research Nurse and Research Coordinator to design and conduct this study. We recruited healthy volunteers around MIT’s campus to participate in the study, which involved observing how they interacted with the device as an untrained, first-time user, as well as a blood draw as a gold standard comparison.